Rescue of Aspergillus nidulans severely debilitating null mutations in ESCRT-0, I, II and III genes by inactivation of a salt-tolerance pathway allows examination of ESCRT gene roles in pH signalling

Ana M. Calcagno-Pizarelli, Ame´ rica Herva´s-Aguilar, Antonio Galindo, Juan F. Abenza, Miguel A. Pen˜ alva, and Herbert N. Arst, Jr Imperial College London Journal of Cell Science 124 (23) (2011)
Citation in paper containing MatTek reference "culture dishes (MatTek, Boston, MA)"

PacC processing, Multivesicular body pathway, Endosomes, Arrestin

Microscopic Technique

Inverted microscopy

Cell Line

Aspergillus nidulans

Part Number