MatTek Celebrates 1,000 Scientific Publications

Posted on July 25, 2023 |
Categories News, Resources

In the ever-evolving landscape of biotechnology, groundbreaking research and innovation have become the driving force behind advancements in various fields, from medicine to agriculture. As a testament to its commitment to scientific excellence, MatTek has reached a remarkable milestone by achieving its 1000th publication in a prestigious scientific journal. This momentous accomplishment underscores the company’s dedication to advancing scientific knowledge, and also highlights its profound impact on the global biotech community. 

The First MatTek Publication 

The first publication to cite MatTek tissues was published in 1994 by the fledgling company in the journal Toxicology In Vitro. The publication detailed the development of EpiDerm, the first in vitro human tissue developed by MatTek, and interlaboratory experiments to evaluate its ability to predict clinically observed dermal irritation. More recent publications include a collaboration with AstraZeneca that compared EpiIntestinal to historical laboratory dogs, rats, and human clinical data that showed EpiIntestinal’s predictive abilities to be on par with the human clinical results. This groundbreaking research cast even more doubt on the ability of animal testing to effectively model human outcomes.

The Power of 1,000 Publications 

For nearly 30 years, MatTek has been a pioneer in the field of in vitro research. The company has developed 15 different human organ types used by top researchers around the world, leading to publications on their development, refinement, and diverse collection of applications. The milestone of 1,000 technical publications is a testament to the depth and breadth of MatTek’s contribution to in vitro scientific research. Each publication represents a carefully executed piece of scientific work, reflecting the efforts of researchers, scientists, and collaborators worldwide. The volume of publications documents the accelerated use of in vitro models in human biological research. Each publication proving the predictive capabilities of in vitro human tissue models reflects the increasing acceptance of the technology for predictive human research.  

Sharing Information and Fostering Collaboration  

Since its first publication nearly 30 years ago, MatTek has kept track of and assembled a library of publications citing the use of its expansive portfolio of human tissues. This curated reference library is a valuable resource to scientists utilizing in vitro technology in their research projects. MatTek’s tissues have been used for evaluating the irritation potential of cosmetics and personal care products, the development of life-saving pharmaceuticals, and the potential health impacts of pesticides. With 1,000 publications referencing the use of MatTek’s products in applications that directly impact public health, it is clear they have made significant contributions to global health and the environment. Take a few minutes today to search the library and learn about the breadth of research topics utilizing in vitro testing methods, and impacting the future of human health. 


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