
February 17, 2022

MatTek’s Lab-Grown Human Tissues Head to Space

A project led by PCA SKIN, a Colgate-Palmolive brand, will see MatTek, a part of the BICO Group, send their product EpiDermFT skin tissues to the International Space Station.   MatTek Life Sciences, a BICO company, announced today that their tissues will... Read More
February 17, 2022

Demonstrating the Utility of 3D Cell Culture: Applications in Toxicology

For more than 25 years, MatTek has been the world leader of reliable in vitro human tissue model innovation. Our skin, ocular, oral, respiratory, vaginal, and intestinal tissue models are used to assess safety and efficacy throughout the cosmetics, chemical, pharmaceutical, and household product industries. These advanced tissue models empower companies to achieve their goals of non-animal testing while lowering testing costs and providing human-relevant results. Join MatTek in part one of the MatTek services series as they discuss key applications of toxicology offered in both GLP and non-GLP settings using these advanced 3D models.
January 28, 2022

Join MatTek at SOT 2022

Join MatTek at SOT 2022
MatTek scientists will be attending and presenting posters at the SOT 2022 Annual Meeting in San Diego, California. Schedule a meeting with us!

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