MatTek is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, MatTek In Vitro Life Science Laboratories (IVLSL), has begun production of its industry-leading EpiIntestinal tissue in Bratislava, Slovakia. “We have an established tradition of producing identical, reproducible tissues no matter the location, and will continue to provide the best quality tissues to all our customers, both international and domestic,” said Mitchell Klausner, President and CEO. “It’s important to us that all of our tissues produced in Europe are identical to those made in the U.S.”
MatTek scientists from Slovakia trained at the US facility for three months earlier this year, to learn how to produce the tissue and learn QC procedures. Klausner says that the process is extensive and costly, but that it’s important to get it right so MatTek’s customers receive the quality products and services from all locations. MatTek IVLSL also produces EpiDerm and EpiOcular, MatTek’s skin and eye models, which have been validated by the OECD for skin and eye irritation.
The expanded production will provide EpiIntestinal tissue to the company’s EU and international customers, with the benefit of shorter delivery times and lower shipping costs. When asked about present and future plans for MatTek operations in Europe, Mitch Klausner responds, “We will continue to expand our product offerings in our European facility to better serve our customers, and to ensure more researchers are able to use this technology.”