Unbalancing the Phosphatidylinositol-4;5-bisphosphate-Cofilin Interaction Impairs Cell Steering

Shirley Leyman; Mazen Sidani; Laila Ritsma; Davy Waterschoot; Robert Eddy; Daisy Dewitte; Olivier Debeir; Christine Decaestecker; Joel Vandekerckhove; Jacco van Rheenen; Christophe Ampe; John Condeelis; Marleen Van Troys VIB Molecular Biology of the Cell 20 (21) (2009)
Citation in paper containing MatTek reference "glass-bottomed dishes (MatTek, Ashland, MA)"
Microscopic Technique


Cell Line

invasive mammary carcinoma cells (MTLn3)

Part Number
