Photocontrol of the Translocation of Molecules, Peptides, and Quantum Dots through Cell and Lipid Membranes Doped with Azobenzene Copolymers

Sarra C. Sebai, Dimitra Milioni, Astrid Walrant, Isabel D. Alves, Sandrine Sagan, C?cile Huin, Loic Auvray, Dominique Massotte, Sophie Cribier, and Christophe Tribet UMR 8640 CNRS-ENS-UPMC Angewandte Chemie 51 (9) (2012)
Citation in paper containing MatTek reference "MatTek (MatTek Corporation Ashland, MA, USA) glass bottom dishes (35 mm)"
Microscopic Technique

fluorescence microscopy

Cell Line

COS cells

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