Nell1 Protein Reduces the Number of Sunburned Cells and Modulates the Inflammatory Response after UV-induced Damage in a 3D Human Skin Model
NELL1 is a novel signaling protein that mediates tissue growth and maturation during fetal development and stimulates tissue healing post-injury in adult tissues. NELL1 promotes the production of a regenerative (fetal type) extracellular matrix (ECM) that provides the structural and communication framework for several processes essential to tissue repair and regeneration such as cell proliferation, differentiation, adhesion, migration, and apoptosis. Earlier studies demonstrated NELL1-mediated bone and cartilage regeneration (in vitro and in vivo small and large animal models). Current knowledge on NELL1 biology suggested potential dermatological applications for tissue healing in acutely injured skin.
EFT-400, Sunburn cells, IL-1b, IL-8, MMP1, UV damage, inflammatory response, aquaporin 3, hyaluronic acid, pro-collagen 1
NELL1, genistein
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